Comments on: Blove’s Smackalicious Sauce (Mild) Recipes On The Go Mon, 23 Dec 2024 06:46:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rev. Larry Davis Mon, 30 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Delicious. My first time trying pickle ginger but it was delicious. It taste better the next day and the next day. I froze leftovers. Will definitely be buying more as soon as it comes available. Taste to Your likings. I used large sweet onions jar of pink pickle ginger and more garlic and more broth. It taste better the next day for Me. I followed Baddie Twimz Youtube Channel method on how much time to cook and it was delicious. Full Details Taste for Your Liking

By: Anna Tue, 29 Oct 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Omgee! Her sauce is amazing! Come check out my YouTube Channel (Mzfancyy) of her sauce to get a better look

By: Nenna Sun, 13 Jan 2019 00:00:00 +0000 ok so i gotta say, i was scared of still getting it after reading reviews but decided to try in anyway! and i was not disappointed! so what i did was follow beloves video on how to make it instead of the packaging, i bought the exact same butter she used and the same vinegar to be safe. i didnt add too much butter, just 4 1/2 of the half sticks from land o lakes. i bought the ginger that she used in her spicy packet video(its pink and u can get it at the grocery store) now then for the vinegar i didnt add the tablespoon on her packaging!! i saw what she did and she only added a dash. and i added half a lemon. i did let it boil first before i added the packet and tasted it to make sure it wasnt weird. i ended up doing 1cup of water and 1 cup of broth. i did also add the coke. after it boiled i let it simmer. now then when i opened the packet oh boi! it did smell like oregano and i was worried, so instead of adding the whole dang thing i added parts. and only ended up needing half the packet before the flavor started to kick in. i did end up having to add a spoonful of brown sugar since i couldnt taste any sweetness and omg it was sooo good!! now i have half left for next time! please make sure you taste the sauce as u go so u can adjust it and not ruin it. i do think she needs to maybe change the instructions a bit since it will taste weird following it to the T. i tried this with 2 boiled eggs and made sure it had all that good stuff on it.. im in love with it! <3 i will buy again when i finish my current sauce 🙂

By: JenniLowKey Sun, 13 Jan 2019 00:00:00 +0000  I’ve been watching YouTube for about 2 years now. I’ve never tried to make her sauce but I’ve always died to taste it. I finally got my hands on a bag and honestly it’s really good. The sauce I make is also good but more salty hers is not salty at all so I understand now why they eat it with rice and stuff. Good job Bethany this sauce was well worth every penny of mines. Also I made half the batch with 4 sticks of butter and still have another half. Not to mention we reused it and froze it.

By: Samantha Woods Mon, 07 Jan 2019 00:00:00 +0000 This sauce is really SMACKALICIOUS!!! LOLI made it the same way the package directed EXCEPT the pickled ginger(couldn’t find any). Me and my kids loved it!!! I didn’t like it with the boiled eggs though…..BUT it was great with the shrimp, potatoes, and sausage. I will be trying it with the king crab and mussels as well. It is well worth the buy. Unfortunately, I won’t be buying the spicy(sticking to mild) because I know my lil punk taste buds can’t handle it lol I don’t mind the price tag I just want to support BLove and Nate’s business!!

By: JJacksonWhite Wed, 12 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Love this! Easy to make and love that some of the ingredients are optional. A little sweeter than expected but great flavor! I’ll taste the sauce before adding the coke with my next bag.Update:: If you like it spicy I would add the 2x spicy noodle sauce and cayenne pepper. I made the whole package then stored it in the freezer. Each time I make a boil I break a small portion off and reheat.

By: Mrs. Nelson Thu, 08 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0000 , (Bethany's) Mild smackalicious seasoning packets, and as well as the previously spicy one! My husband and I are enjoying these sauces on alot of different things! I enclosed pictures of both mild and spicy seafood boils I did with the sauces! Bon appetit... everyone, and enjoy! 😘✌ ]]> Glad I was able to get my hands on both of Bloveslife’s👑, (Bethany’s) Mild smackalicious seasoning packets, and as well as the previously spicy one! My husband and I are enjoying these sauces on alot of different things! I enclosed pictures of both mild and spicy seafood boils I did with the sauces! Bon appetit… everyone, and enjoy! 😘✌

By: shalanda thompson Fri, 26 Oct 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Love everything about this sauce. May God continue to Bless you and All your endeavors

By: AC Slater Sun, 25 Feb 2018 00:00:00 +0000  Lord,this sauce was so freaking good, finally got my hand on a pack and followed the directions exactly it was perfect. the amount you get is ridiculously alot so you can freeze some for later, my entire family enjoyed it even my aunt who’s picky as hell over everything loved the sauce. Congratulations on selling out so fast . Blessings
